Here are some basic self-defence releases and escapes.
For these moves to become effective in a real situation, you need to practice these regularly so that they become second nature,
and that you can do them without thinking.
These are ideas of releases, you are welcome to adapt them to you ability, size and strength.
For more advice on Anti-Bullying and what to do if you are being bullied please visit
10 Anti-Bullying tips
These 10 tips are based on my many years of teaching martial arts & running the SESMA Martial Arts school in Norwich, where my team and myself have improved confidence and self-esteem in hundreds of children that have been bullied at school
Stand & Walk Tall
Standing and walking tall makes you look and feel confident and allows you to see much more around you. Bullies look for easy targets like those that are timid or lack confidence.
Strong Clear Voice
Talking with a clear and not a mumbled voice makes you sound confident.
Positive Body Language
When confronted with a bully, show positive body language and facial expressions. Be clear with a calm voice and ask them to stop. Also keep your head up and look them in the face. Looking down will give the impression you are intimidated.
Avoid Situations
If you know who the bullies are, then avoid the areas that they congregate, or if they are heading in your direction, walk away to a safe place. face. Looking down will give the impression you are intimidated.
Safe Places
If wanting to avoid a situation or somewhere to go after being confronted by a bully, know where the safe places are in your school. It may be a class room, a regular spot in the playground that a teacher stands or a bench that the School Buddies meet up at.
School Buddies
Know who and where the School Buddies are at playtime. Many schools have a Buddies mentor system. The school buddies are there for you to chat to or help you make friends and solve playground disputes.
Tell Someone
If you are being bullied or see someone else being bullied, then tell someone. Teacher, parent or a friend, it doesnβt matter who as long as you speak out about it. If you are worried or frightened about telling an adult, ask a friend to go with you. By telling someone, they can help to stop the bullying before it gets worse. They may even put a plan together for you and the bully to talk through it all.
Treat everyone with respect, try not to be dragged into a name calling situation. If someone is calling you names, ask them to stop. If it continues then speak to someone about it.
Safety in Numbers
Make friends and friendship groups. Bullies tend to pick on individuals as they are easier targets. By playing in friendship groups there is less chance of being bullied. If you are being bullied by someone within your friend group, then they really are not your friend. Ask them to stop and speak to the rest of your friendship group
Defend Yourself
Schools do not condone violence and it may get you into trouble with a teacher, but protect yourself. If a bully tries to hit you, then defend yourself by blocking the punches & kicks and constantly telling them to stop. If you have to hit back then do so. Better to be spoken to by your teacher once than be bullied daily.
Boundary Setting
Β πΒ How to Use Body Language to set a boundary
Β πΒ Use of voice when being confronted
Wrist Grabs
Β πΒ Escape from Single Wrist Grab
Β πΒ Escape from a Lead-Away
Double Wrist Grab
Β πΒ Escape from both wrist held
Β πΒ Use of body language and voice when being confronted
Shirt Grabs
Β πΒ Escape from Single Shirt Grab
Β πΒ Escape from a Double Shirt Grab
There may be a time that you may need to be a time that you have to pre-empt the attack by hitting first.
This is still seen by law as self-defence if you feel in danger of being attacked.
Below are some tutorials on basic martial art kicks and punches taught at SESMA